Experimental cultivation. Son Sureda, Mallorca.
CAROB SA has its own experimental field of carob trees in Manacor, Mallorca. The plantation is designed to study the different varieties and the behavior of the tree in a care and irrigation system. The extension of the plantation is 40 hectares with 5 separate 8-hectare plots where 5 varieties will be studied.
We want to promote, study and improve the cultivation of the carob tree, increase the productivity of the trees along with the yield of the pods and seeds.
Nothing is planted. Attempt to have sheep that did not work. Very small trees.

Finca Son Sureda
The largest existing carob plantation in the Balearic Islands, with the most modern cultivation technologies.
Coming soon…
Frost protection of all normal grafts that are tender
Install 7 beehives to pollinate
Training pruning in all 4800 trees
First harvest of carobs of Phase 1.
3100 trees

Experimental field for the biological cultivation and varietal selection of the carob tree.
Our plantation will be free of pesticides and other chemicals. We have developed an organic amendment from the skin of the seed, thus taking advantage of the by-products generated in the locust bean gum manufacturing proces to achieve the goal of zero residue.
The carob plantation helps in the fight against climate change and global warming.