On the occasion of its first anniversary, Biokalma organized a conference with various activities that included workshops, talks and conferences to support and disseminate sustainable and conscious consumption.
At this event, CAROB presented its 100% natural locust bean gum with its multiple applications in gastronomy and confectionery. In addition, the collaboration with Biokalma was officially announced to put our product on sale in its sustainable and ecological stores.
Below you can see the program of activities and a compilation of photos of the event:
Monday 14 December
- Free facial massage with essential oils
- We share free learning space
- Conscious consumption: Vision and initiatives
Tuesday 15 December
- Talk – ‘zero waste philosophy’
- Presentation – Llavors de varietats locals
Wednesday 16 December
- Facial care workshop
- Talk-local organic food
- Menstruation and menopause, how to live it differently
- Talk – what do the anniversary dates tell us?
Thursday 17 December
- Presentation CAROB locust bean gum
- Talk-metamorphic technique